Level Category Skill Description
Core Server Side Java The Java language up to version 11
ProficientServer Side Python The Python language up to version 3.x
Familiar Server Side JHipster Application generation
Core Server Side Java EE Application framework up to version 8
Core Server Side JPA ORM using Hibernate and EclipseLink
Familiar Server Side EJB 3.x Session beans with annotations
Familiar Server Side Servlet Basic service framework
Familiar Server Side JAX-RS RESTful web services
Familiar Server Side JMS Java Message Service
Familiar Server Side JTA Java Transaction API
Familiar Server Side CDI Context and Dependency Injection
Familiar Server Side Bean Validation Validation using annotations
Core Server Side Spring Framework Application framework
Familiar Server Side Spring Boot Create stand-alone Spring applications
Core Server Side Spring MVC MVC framework
Familiar Server Side Spring Web Flow Stateful business task processing
Familiar Server Side Spring Data Data access framework
Familiar Server Side Spring Security Authentication and access-control
Familiar Server Side Spring Session Container neutral web session
Familiar Server Side Spring Web Services XML web services
Familiar Server Side Spring Roo Application generation
Core Server Side Spring Batch Batch processing
Core Server Side Spring Integration Enterprise application integration
Core Server Side XML Document markup language
Familiar Server Side XSD XML schema definition
Familiar Server Side XSLT XML transform language
Core Server Side JSON Data interchange format
Familiar Server Side Thymeleaf HTML templating engine
Core Continuous IntegrationGit Distributed version control
Core Continuous IntegrationApache Subversion Centralized version control
Core Continuous IntegrationJUnit Unit testing framework
Core Continuous IntegrationMockito Mock object testing framework
Core Continuous IntegrationApache Maven Dependency management build tool
Familiar Continuous IntegrationGradle Dependency management build tool
Core Continuous IntegrationJenkins Automated building, testing and deploy
Core Continuous IntegrationSonarQube Code quality control
Familiar Continuous IntegrationNexus Repository Manager
Familiar Continuous IntegrationLiquibase Database schema change management
Core Middleware WebSphere Enterprise Application Server
Core Middleware WebLogic Enterprise Application Server
Core Middleware Apache Tomcat Servlet container
Familiar Middleware Apache HTTP Server Web server
Familiar Middleware GlassFish Java EE Reference implementation
Familiar Middleware Open Liberty WebSphere lite
Core Middleware IBM MQ Message Queues
ProficientMiddleware Docker PaaS containers
ProficientMiddleware Nginx Web server, proxy and load balancing
ProficientMiddleware Node.min.js Server side JavaScript
Core Relational SQL Structured Query Language
Core Relational DDL Tables, views and stored procedures
Core Relational Oracle DB Oracle Enterprise RDBMS
Familiar Relational Oracle DB XE Developer version
Core Relational MS SQL Server Microsoft RDBMS
Core Relational MySQL Open-source RDBMS
Familiar Relational PostgreSQL Open-source RDBMS
Core Client Side HTML HTML5 and SVG
Core Client Side CSS Cascading Style Sheets
Core Client Side JavaScript ECMAScript
Familiar Client Side Bootstrap CSS framework
Familiar Client Side jQuery JavaScript library
ProficientClient Side TypeScript Strictly typed JavaScript
ProficientLegacy J2EE Application framework
ProficientLegacy EJB 2.x Session beans defined using XML
Familiar Legacy JSP Java Server Pages, HTML templating
Familiar Legacy JSTL JSP Standard Tag Library
Familiar Legacy JSF Java Server Faces
Familiar Legacy Apache Struts MVC framework
ProficientLegacy SOAP Web Services XML web services
Familiar Legacy JAX-WS XML/SOAP web services
ProficientLegacy Mainframe Legacy systems
ProficientLegacy PeopleSoft Financials management package
Familiar Legacy Apache Ant Build tool
ProficientDesign SOA Service Orientated Architecture
ProficientDesign APIs System interfaces
ProficientDesign REST Representational state transfer
ProficientDesign Queues Message Queues
ProficientDesign Integration Patterns Enterprise Integration Patterns
ProficientDesign Data models Complex Data Models
ProficientMethodology Agile Scrum & Kanban
ProficientMethodology Waterfall Enterprise projects
ProficientSoft Skills Problem Solving In general & under pressure
Familiar Soft Skills Collaboration Within teams and external
Familiar Soft Skills Business Engagement And managing expectations
Familiar Soft Skills Customer Service Customer facing
Familiar Soft Skills Communication Both written and verbal
Familiar Soft Skills Project Management Determine and allocate tasks
Familiar Soft Skills Time Management Workload and deadlines
Familiar Soft Skills Self-starter Able to take the initiative
Familiar Soft Skills Mentoring For all developers
ProficientOperational Productivity Developer experience
ProficientOperational Standards When developing
ProficientOperational Performance In development, test and production
ProficientOperational Security Testing and audits
ProficientEnvironments Linux Debian based distros
ProficientEnvironments Windows Including WSL
Familiar Office Microsoft Word With document macros
Familiar Office Microsoft Excel For uploading/downloading data
Familiar Office Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations
Familiar Tools Eclipse IDE Using numerous plugins
Familiar Tools JetBrains IntelliJ, WebStorm and PyCharm
Familiar Tools Visual Studio Code Using numerous plugins
Familiar Tools PL/SQL Developer For Oracle DB
Familiar Tools SoapUI Testing web services
Familiar Tools Apache JMeter Performance testing
Familiar Tools Postman Testing REST APIs